
25 March 2024

Sustainably Forward: Recommendations of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition for the new Dutch Cabinet

The DSGC has sent a letter with recommendations to informateurs Elbert Dijkgraaf and Richard van Zwol to ensure a green industrial policy in the new cabinet plans. This is crucial for a resilient and sustainable future in the Netherlands and Europe.
9 February 2024

DSGC chairman presents book on responsible capitalism

In the book "Capitalism Reconnected," Jan Peter Balkenende and Govert Buijs describe a redesigned market economy based on European values and the SDGs. In this "economy of hope," no one is left behind and the earth with its natural resources and livable climate is protected.
11 December 2023

CEOs and ministers strengthen cooperation

Every year, representatives of the DSGC and the Dutch Cabinet discuss how they can best work together to move toward a climate neutral, circular and inclusive Netherlands. This year, the meeting took place at the Catshuis.
7 November 2022

DSGC podcast 'Accessibility': Still a world to conquer

In the second DSGC podcast on the extent to which companies are accessible to people with an occupational disability, experts from ING Bank, Accenture, Breedweer and Defense give their vision on the desired company policy. It is not just about wide doors or special supports in the toilet, but especially about how managers and colleagues deal with the limitations of others.
16 September 2022

First DSGC podcast: Large-scale collaboration on hydrogen development

Development Goals 7 Clean Energy and 13 Climate Action are the focus of the first DSGC podcast led by Glenn van der Burg. Prior to each podcast, an Expert Session takes place with expert staff from the DSGC companies on collaboration, barriers and opportunities. In this podcast Brekelmans and Castelein talk about their challenge: bringing the short and long-term interests of all stakeholders together.
12 May 2022

DSGC urges Ursula von der Leyden to implement EU climate policy

Ahead of the publication of the REPowerEU Plan, over 140 CEOs and business leaders wrote a joint letter to the European Commission President, von der Leyen, to show their support for structural and just solutions that can deliver the green transition.
16 November 2021

DSGC and CEO’s in discussion over action for the SDG’s

On the 11th of November almost 50 CEO’s of the Netherlands largest companies gathered together to discuss sustainable leadership. The DSGC, facilitated by VNO-NCW and Accenture, invited these CEO’s for this gathering. Under moderation of Jan Peter Balkenende, Chairman of the DSGC, and science journalist Anna Gimbrère, the actions and steps needed by businesses to achieve the UN’s17 Sustainable Development Goals were discussed.
16 November 2021

EUR students help large companies with sustainability ambitions

On November 11th the team of students from Erasmus University, tasked with creating an action plan for Shell’s sustainability ambitions, presented their winning idea, competing against teams taking on the challenges of the other 7 members of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC).
15 July 2021

DSGC supports climate plans EC

Today more than 30 CEO’s of European companies send this letter to the presidents of the European Commission and European Council, in which they support the ambitious climate plans yesterday presented by commissioner Frans Timmermans. 
28 April 2021

DSGC in letter to informateur: Integrate UN development goals into government policy

"Integrate the 17 United Nations development goals into government policy." Eight large Dutch companies, united in the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition, make this appeal to informateur Tjeenk Willink. “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must be anchored in the policies of all ministries,” explains DSGC chairman Jan Peter Balkenende. “Partly thanks to the efforts of the Netherlands, the SDGs have been established, now we have to take the lead internationally in achieving them in 2030. This will create broad prosperity.”
8 April 2021

Roundtable: Circular Climate Booster: going circular faster

The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management will host a high-level roundtable meeting as a prelude to the two sessions of the World Circular Economy Forum in the Netherlands (15-16 April) and in Canada (autumn 2021).
12 February 2021

Time to Act: PACE has launched its Circular Economy Action Agendas

“Game changing innovations and policies are urgently needed to turn the tide, which can be realised through a joint approach from business, governments, knowledge institutes and civil society", said DSGC chairman Jan Peter Balkenende in the PACE Circular Economy Action Agendas that were launched February 4.
3 February 2021

'Transition Time! A Circular Economy for Plastics’ in practice

The DSGC aims to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In order to achieve the SDG’s, one of the DSGC aims is to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy for plastics. In the publication ‘Transition time! A circular economy for plastics’, the coalition sheds light on the challenges of plastic, shares innovative cases and makes specific recommendations on how to incentivize action. We like to share cases and recommendations of the report, to inspire others. Transition Time!
13 January 2021

Transition Time! A Circular Economy for Plastics

The Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) aims to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy for plastics. An integrated approach aimed at pioneering innovation and cooperation is required and more urgent than ever. Primarily from an environmental perspective, at the same time the transition provides ample economic opportunities across the entire value chain. In the publication ‘Transition time! A circular economy for plastics’, the coalition sheds light on the challenges of plastic, shares innovative cases and makes specific recommendations on how to incentivise action.
25 September 2020

The DSGC companies take concrete steps to achieve the SDGs.

Companies must align their strategic goals with social and environmental impact and not just the economic results of the company. In a study – conducted by Accenture on behalf of the DSGC – AkzoNobel, DSM, FrieslandCampina, Heineken, KLM, Philips, Shell and Unilever give concrete examples on how this can be realised internally in the organisation. They want to inspire other companies by sharing their experiences.
24 June 2020

Number of companies endorsing EU Green Deal as cornerstone of COVID-19 recovery continues to grow

More and more companies support last Friday's call for sustainable recovery. Nearly 300 companies have now signed the statement Dutch businesses endorse sustainability in COVID-19 recovery, in which they pledge support for taking sustainability as the cornerstone in the COVID-19-recovery plans. Given the large number of positive reactions, the deadline for signing the statement has been extended to the 5th of September 2020. The signatories range from large to small companies and represent different industries.
19 June 2020

Dutch businesses endorse sustainability in COVID-19 recovery

Over 250 companies have signed the statement 'Dutch companies endorse sustainability in COVID-19 recovery’, in which they pledge support for taking sustainability as the cornerstone in the COVID-19 recovery plans. Led by Jan Peter Balkenende, chairman of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC), the statement is presented to Minister Kaag on June the 19th; the day on which the European Council will discuss the COVID-19 recovery plan.
4 June 2020

Sustainable trade with Africa

Jan Peter Balkenende signed on behalf of the DSGCoalition, together with more than thirty other companies, a letter in which a new chapter in sustainable trade with Africa is advocated. Solidarity is particularly needed now.
27 March 2020

Strongly together in the corona crisis

Since Prime Minister Rutte announced the first precautionary measures against the spread of the Coronavirus, Dutch society has shown solidarity and everyone is fully committed to take care of sick and vulnerable citizens. The government and the business community are also working closely together to limit the economic damage, so that people can retain their work and income. The members of the DSGC also focus on solving problems related to the Covid-19 crisis. This focus, combined with the precautionary measures taken by the government, means that the external activities of the coalition will be postponed. An internal review will be conducted in the coming period to see whether the connections within the coalition can help to support the chosen approach to tackle the crisis.
21 January 2020

Maritime biofuel pilot demonstrates significant effect

The biofuel pilot project that was initiated by the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) has demonstrated significant effect. Shell has launched new biofuel pilot projects, and Maersk has launched a commercial product in the market.
3 December 2019

Climate Summit Madrid

The climate summit in Madrid started on the 2nd of December 2020. Hopefully the countries will be able to come to an agreement on the guidelines for climate measures, so that the Paris Agreement can be implemented effectively.
27 June 2019

“Biofuel can be used to fuel large container ships”: Trial by Maersk container shipping company and DSGC shippers lays foundation for enhancing sustainability

The Mette Maersk container ship arrived back in the port of Rotterdam last week, following a special journey to Shanghai, fuelled by a mixture that included up to 20 per cent second-generation biofuel made from used frying fat. This was a trial run by Maersk, Shell and the multinationals in the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) in order to make significant progress in increasing sustainability in the shipping industry. During the ‘Stimulate Cleaner Ocean Shipping’ seminar, held at the DutchSail Sailbase in Scheveningen on Friday 21 June, the stakeholders answered the question on everyone’s lips: was the trial a success? The even bigger question at the seminar was: what next?
20 June 2019

Maritime biofuel-pilot a great success

The Mette Maersk container vessel has returned safely to Rotterdam after a three- month roundtrip from Rotterdam to Shanghai. It sailed for a major part on a fuel blend with second generation biofuel during this trip.
12 June 2019

Clean Cargo members applauded the DSGC Clean Shipping pilot

“The response was very enthusiastic.” Anne Dubost, Senior Global Lead Logistics & Sustainability at Heineken, mentions about the meeting end of May with the members op Clean Cargo. “Mads Stensen from Maersk and myself presented our Clean Shipping project and shared the first results on our 3 key objectives: a promising technology that works in practice on a container ship, successful collaboration between many stakeholders involved, and a message to innovators that we are eager to try new solutions to decarbonise ocean freight.”
3 June 2019

Around the world on used cooking oil: biofuel test for cleaner shipping

Shipping is responsible for more than 2% of global CO₂ emissions. The use of biofuels can help reduce the burden on the environment and climate. The container ship Mette Maersk tried this on the route from Rotterdam to Shanghai – by cruising on used cooking oil.
1 May 2019

Business leaders urge EU Heads of State to direct towards net zero carbon emissions in 2050

Ahead of the “Future of Europe Summit” in Sibiu on 9th of May 2019, European businesses jointly urge the EU Heads of State to commit to carbon neutrality in 2050.
8 April 2019

DSGC program manager Tessa van Soest about clean shipping pilot

“The eight multinationals can together with Maersk, really put something together”, according to Tessa van Soest about the clean shipping pilot. DSGC wants to contribute to SDG13 and support climate action.
22 March 2019

Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition partners with Maersk in world's largest maritime biofuel pilot

Convinced of the urgency to act on climate, a group of Dutch multinationals - FrieslandCampina, Heineken, Philips, DSM, Shell and Unilever - all members of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC), will join forces with A.P. Moller - Maersk to take a tangible step towards the decarbonization of ocean shipping.
7 February 2019

Action is needed for climate change

Today, 7 February 2019, Dutch students demonstrate for Climate Action, a SDG that gets warm support of the DSGC. Climate change is a global topic and action is needed at a global, national and sub-national level.
30 November 2018

The clock is ticking for achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Businesses are working towards the United Nations' seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. This is clearly shown by a progress report by Global Compact Network Netherlands, presented today at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Close to 90% of its members are aware of the importance of the goals and communicates about them, an increase of 21% compared to a year before.
29 November 2018

DSGC to endorse Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders

This week, just before COP24 in Poland, the CEO Climate Alliance, an informal group of CEOs facilitated by the World Economic Forum, has issued an open letter to world leaders. It is published on the website of the World Economic Forum and distributed to all key media. In addition, a targeted social media campaign is taking place, targeting COP24 attendees in particular.
20 October 2018

DSGC connects with young professionals to increase the impact on SDGs

DSGC received 200 bright young international delegates attending the One Young World (OYW) Summit in The Hague on 19 October 2018. During a community dinner Dutch Executives met the international delegates to exchange views on topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to create impactful connections.
13 September 2018

Five DSGC companies in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Today the annual review of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DSJI) is announced. 14 Dutch companies are represented on the list among which five DSGC companies: AkzoNobel, DSM, Philips, Shell and Unilever.
22 March 2018

Milestone for Dutch Wind Consortium

The Dutch Wind Consortium, including DSGC members AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals, DSM and Philips, received its first power from the new Dutch wind farm Bouwdokken, a milestone achievement resulting from a unique green energy purchasing consortium.
1 February 2018

WEF highlights from DSGC companies

This article highlights the main commitments and new partnerships made at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos by DSGC companies. The WEF took place from 23-26 January, bringing together leaders from governments, businesses, NGOs and young professionals. This year, the theme was ‘Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World.’
11 December 2017

Paul Polman, CEO Unilever, on the opportunity of sustainability

Polman talked with Harvard Business Review (HBR) about his company’s sustainability efforts as part of The Future Economy Project, an HBR initiative that shares real-world lessons on sustainability leadership for all.
13 September 2017

DSM wins Management Scope Corporate Impact Award

On September 12, DSGC member Feike Sijbesma (CEO of DSM), received the first Managament Scope Corporate Impact Award from Peter Blom, CEO of Triodos Bank. The Impact Index is an initiative in collaboration between Management Scope, Erasmus University and Accenture Strategy and ranks the top 100 Dutch companies on positive societal impact.
7 February 2017

Choose for climate action!

In the run-up to the Dutch elections in March, Frans van Houten (Philips), Feike Sijbesma (DSM), Paul Polman (Unilever) and Hans de Boer (VNO-NCW), members of DSGC, have joined in the campaign ‘Choose for climate action’.
28 January 2017

'Better Business, Better World': new flagship report by the Business & Sustainable Development Commission, highlighting the enormous positive business case related to the SDGs.

The Business & Sustainable Development Commission has recently launched the report 'Better Business, Better World'. This report explains the business case for the SDGs, revealing that sustainable business models could open economic opportunities worth up to US$12 trillion market opportunity and increase employment by up to 380 million jobs by 2030.
17 December 2016

Photos and video Transform Your World

Photos and video of the conference 'Transform Your World' on December 8th.
9 December 2016

Today’s and tomorrow’s leaders call for commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Integrate the circular economy into educational programmes, provide unambiguous reports on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and expand the collaboration with all stakeholders concerned. These are some of the recommendations that were adopted by the ‘Transform Your World’ conference on 8 December. The conference was initiated by the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition and the Economic Faculty association Rotterdam (EFR). They hosted the conference together with the Dutch SDG Charter.
2 September 2016

Integrating SDGs into business operations

The eight multinationals of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) – AkzoNobel, DSM, FrieslandCampina, Heineken, KLM, Philips, Shell, and Unilever – advocate the integration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals into long-term business operations. The CEOs of the DSGC and of many other Dutch companies convened at VNO-NCW in The Hague on 1 September.
14 December 2015

The Netherlands as a circular hot spot

The Netherlands has the potential to become the circular hot spot of Europe if companies make the transition from linear to circular production, and if the government provides a vision for such a transition. This is the view of the eight multinational corporations participating in the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC), which is supported by VNO-NCW. The DSGC publication was released on Monday, 14 December.
21 August 2015

Calling on the government to encourage the transition to a circular economy

The government should promote a rapid transition to a circular economy by implementing supportive and facilitating policies. This is the conclusion of nearly 30 CEOs of Dutch multinational corporations and SMEs after their meeting with VNO-NCW Chairman Hans de Boer. They feel that the Netherlands would be well advised to prioritize this subject on the European agenda during the Dutch EU Presidency next year.
17 April 2015

Global business community calls for action

Governments should take bold actions when it comes to the issue of climate change. DSGC supports this call to action of over 40 CEOs of large companies that was published today in the Financial Times. The UN Climate Summit will be held in Paris in December. This will be the platform for government leaders to take concrete steps towards a low-carbon economy.
2 December 2014

DSGC presents Máxima with a report brimming with sustainable innovations

The Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) has published a new report about sustainable innovation. The first copy, filled with a myriad of practical examples, was presented to Queen Máxima this afternoon. ‘Sustainable Innovation – Game-changing solutions to the world’s grand challenges’ is the third publication released by this Dutch coalition of sustainable companies since its formation early in 2012.
23 September 2014

The Netherlands as an international model in the field of sustainability

The Netherlands can generate international exposure for itself as an innovative country that promotes sustainable business practices. This is what Hans de Boer, President of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, VNO-NCW, wrote today in a column about the UN Climate Summit in New York. At this summit, the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition, a coalition of eight CEOs of sustainable Dutch multinationals, will present a concrete approach to the worldwide climate change issue early this evening (Central European time) in the presence of Prime Minister Rutte.
10 July 2014

International CO2 emissions trading system required

The Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC), in which VNO-NCW participates, calls on companies to reduce their CO2 emissions and use and source their raw materials sustainably. However, it would be only fair to support their efforts by setting up an international CO2 emissions trading system. This is the conclusion that was reached by the CEOs of eight Dutch multinational corporations of the DSGC on the eve of the new negotiations for a global climate agreement in 2015. 
28 January 2014

CEOs urge for a sustainability breakthrough

During the World Economic Forum in Davos, CEOs of Dutch multinational corporations, united in the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC), called on the corporate sector, the private sector, and NGOs to collaborate in pursuit of a sustainable future. Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever and co-founder of the DSGC, argued that the year 2015, with its negotiations on both a new climate agreement and a new development agreement, presented ‘a unique opportunity to achieve a breakthrough together with the corporate sector. This is a great opportunity to put an end to poverty around the world within fifteen years in a sustainable manner.’
15 October 2013

Multinationals are serious about sustainable business practices

If sustainable business practices and corporate social responsibility are deeply embedded in the daily management of companies, corporate social responsibility (CSR) will become ‘serious business’, according to Jan Peter Balkenende, who spoke on behalf of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition this afternoon. This group of eight Dutch multinationals presented their publication entitled ‘Leadership and Corporate Governance for Sustainable Growth Business Models’. The Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, VNO-NCW, supports this sustainable coalition.
12 September 2013

Multinationals leaders of sustainability in Davos

During the World Economic Forum in Davos, the CEOs of five Dutch multinational corporations, members of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition, assumed a leading role in the field of sustainability. They take the view that particularly this time of economic insecurity is potentially the best time to promote economic growth. Corporations have an important role to play in this respect, according to the DSGC.
12 September 2013

‘Dutch multinationals regain their title as most sustainable in the world’

Large Dutch companies have managed to preserve their leading international position in the field of sustainability, as evidenced by the results of the annual Dow Jones Sustainability Index. VNO-NCW is particularly proud of Unilever, AkzoNobel, ING, and KLM-Air France. Not only did they win in their category, they were also listed as Industry Sector Leader.
12 September 2013

Dutch companies continue to rank among the global leaders in the sustainability index

The Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI) that was published today, reveals that AkzoNobel and KLM are two of the world’s most sustainable corporations. According to the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, VNO-NCW, this is an achievement that does the Netherlands proud. Both winners regained their title of honour in the categories of ‘Materials’ (formerly known as ‘Chemicals’), and ‘Transport’.
22 March 2013

‘Innovation should close the gap between the current economy and the new, sustainable economy’

There is no specific blueprint for sustainability. However, innovation must be included in every approach. This may close the gap between the current economy and the new, sustainable economy, according to Bernard Wientjes. The corporate sector and the government play a crucial role in this respect, according to the President of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, VNO-NCW, during a UN conference on water management in The Hague yesterday. Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, Minister Melanie Schultz (Infrastructure and the Environment), and Minister Lilianne Ploumen (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) attended the conference.