DSM wins Management Scope Corporate Impact Award

On September 12, DSGC member Feike Sijbesma (CEO of DSM), received the first Managament Scope Corporate Impact Award from Peter Blom, CEO of Triodos Bank. The Impact Index is an initiative in collaboration between Management Scope, Erasmus University and Accenture Strategy and ranks the top 100 Dutch companies on positive societal impact.


Over the past years, we see companies shifting their focus from only shareholder value creation towards fulfilling their responsibility to society and broader stakeholders. The question rises which companies are top performers in societal impact and actually realize their ambitious goals.


In the Impact Index, positive societal impact is assessed based on five pillars: 1) Governance 2) Relation with society 3) Sustainability 4) Financial health 5) Employability. Initiators hope that the Impact Index supports the frontrunners in their leading role and encourage the companies that lag behind, in order to drive the transition.