
30 November 2018

The clock is ticking for achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Businesses are working towards the United Nations' seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. This is clearly shown by a progress report by Global Compact Network Netherlands, presented today at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Close to 90% of its members are aware of the importance of the goals and communicates about them, an increase of 21% compared to a year before.
29 November 2018

DSGC to endorse Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders

This week, just before COP24 in Poland, the CEO Climate Alliance, an informal group of CEOs facilitated by the World Economic Forum, has issued an open letter to world leaders. It is published on the website of the World Economic Forum and distributed to all key media. In addition, a targeted social media campaign is taking place, targeting COP24 attendees in particular.
20 October 2018

DSGC connects with young professionals to increase the impact on SDGs

DSGC received 200 bright young international delegates attending the One Young World (OYW) Summit in The Hague on 19 October 2018. During a community dinner Dutch Executives met the international delegates to exchange views on topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to create impactful connections.
13 September 2018

Five DSGC companies in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Today the annual review of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DSJI) is announced. 14 Dutch companies are represented on the list among which five DSGC companies: AkzoNobel, DSM, Philips, Shell and Unilever.
22 March 2018

Milestone for Dutch Wind Consortium

The Dutch Wind Consortium, including DSGC members AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals, DSM and Philips, received its first power from the new Dutch wind farm Bouwdokken, a milestone achievement resulting from a unique green energy purchasing consortium.
1 February 2018

WEF highlights from DSGC companies

This article highlights the main commitments and new partnerships made at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos by DSGC companies. The WEF took place from 23-26 January, bringing together leaders from governments, businesses, NGOs and young professionals. This year, the theme was ‘Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World.’