
3 December 2019

Climate Summit Madrid

The climate summit in Madrid started on the 2nd of December 2020. Hopefully the countries will be able to come to an agreement on the guidelines for climate measures, so that the Paris Agreement can be implemented effectively.
27 June 2019

“Biofuel can be used to fuel large container ships”: Trial by Maersk container shipping company and DSGC shippers lays foundation for enhancing sustainability

The Mette Maersk container ship arrived back in the port of Rotterdam last week, following a special journey to Shanghai, fuelled by a mixture that included up to 20 per cent second-generation biofuel made from used frying fat. This was a trial run by Maersk, Shell and the multinationals in the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) in order to make significant progress in increasing sustainability in the shipping industry. During the ‘Stimulate Cleaner Ocean Shipping’ seminar, held at the DutchSail Sailbase in Scheveningen on Friday 21 June, the stakeholders answered the question on everyone’s lips: was the trial a success? The even bigger question at the seminar was: what next?
20 June 2019

Maritime biofuel-pilot a great success

The Mette Maersk container vessel has returned safely to Rotterdam after a three- month roundtrip from Rotterdam to Shanghai. It sailed for a major part on a fuel blend with second generation biofuel during this trip.
12 June 2019

Clean Cargo members applauded the DSGC Clean Shipping pilot

“The response was very enthusiastic.” Anne Dubost, Senior Global Lead Logistics & Sustainability at Heineken, mentions about the meeting end of May with the members op Clean Cargo. “Mads Stensen from Maersk and myself presented our Clean Shipping project and shared the first results on our 3 key objectives: a promising technology that works in practice on a container ship, successful collaboration between many stakeholders involved, and a message to innovators that we are eager to try new solutions to decarbonise ocean freight.”
3 June 2019

Around the world on used cooking oil: biofuel test for cleaner shipping

Shipping is responsible for more than 2% of global CO₂ emissions. The use of biofuels can help reduce the burden on the environment and climate. The container ship Mette Maersk tried this on the route from Rotterdam to Shanghai – by cruising on used cooking oil.
1 May 2019

Business leaders urge EU Heads of State to direct towards net zero carbon emissions in 2050

Ahead of the “Future of Europe Summit” in Sibiu on 9th of May 2019, European businesses jointly urge the EU Heads of State to commit to carbon neutrality in 2050.
8 April 2019

DSGC program manager Tessa van Soest about clean shipping pilot

“The eight multinationals can together with Maersk, really put something together”, according to Tessa van Soest about the clean shipping pilot. DSGC wants to contribute to SDG13 and support climate action.
22 March 2019

Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition partners with Maersk in world's largest maritime biofuel pilot

Convinced of the urgency to act on climate, a group of Dutch multinationals - FrieslandCampina, Heineken, Philips, DSM, Shell and Unilever - all members of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC), will join forces with A.P. Moller - Maersk to take a tangible step towards the decarbonization of ocean shipping.
7 February 2019

Action is needed for climate change

Today, 7 February 2019, Dutch students demonstrate for Climate Action, a SDG that gets warm support of the DSGC. Climate change is a global topic and action is needed at a global, national and sub-national level.