
16 November 2021

DSGC and CEO’s in discussion over action for the SDG’s

On the 11th of November almost 50 CEO’s of the Netherlands largest companies gathered together to discuss sustainable leadership. The DSGC, facilitated by VNO-NCW and Accenture, invited these CEO’s for this gathering. Under moderation of Jan Peter Balkenende, Chairman of the DSGC, and science journalist Anna Gimbrère, the actions and steps needed by businesses to achieve the UN’s17 Sustainable Development Goals were discussed.
16 November 2021

EUR students help large companies with sustainability ambitions

On November 11th the team of students from Erasmus University, tasked with creating an action plan for Shell’s sustainability ambitions, presented their winning idea, competing against teams taking on the challenges of the other 7 members of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC).
15 July 2021

DSGC supports climate plans EC

Today more than 30 CEO’s of European companies send this letter to the presidents of the European Commission and European Council, in which they support the ambitious climate plans yesterday presented by commissioner Frans Timmermans. 
28 April 2021

DSGC in letter to informateur: Integrate UN development goals into government policy

"Integrate the 17 United Nations development goals into government policy." Eight large Dutch companies, united in the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition, make this appeal to informateur Tjeenk Willink. “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must be anchored in the policies of all ministries,” explains DSGC chairman Jan Peter Balkenende. “Partly thanks to the efforts of the Netherlands, the SDGs have been established, now we have to take the lead internationally in achieving them in 2030. This will create broad prosperity.”
8 April 2021

Roundtable: Circular Climate Booster: going circular faster

The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management will host a high-level roundtable meeting as a prelude to the two sessions of the World Circular Economy Forum in the Netherlands (15-16 April) and in Canada (autumn 2021).
12 February 2021

Time to Act: PACE has launched its Circular Economy Action Agendas

“Game changing innovations and policies are urgently needed to turn the tide, which can be realised through a joint approach from business, governments, knowledge institutes and civil society", said DSGC chairman Jan Peter Balkenende in the PACE Circular Economy Action Agendas that were launched February 4.
3 February 2021

'Transition Time! A Circular Economy for Plastics’ in practice

The DSGC aims to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In order to achieve the SDG’s, one of the DSGC aims is to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy for plastics. In the publication ‘Transition time! A circular economy for plastics’, the coalition sheds light on the challenges of plastic, shares innovative cases and makes specific recommendations on how to incentivize action. We like to share cases and recommendations of the report, to inspire others. Transition Time!
13 January 2021

Transition Time! A Circular Economy for Plastics

The Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) aims to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy for plastics. An integrated approach aimed at pioneering innovation and cooperation is required and more urgent than ever. Primarily from an environmental perspective, at the same time the transition provides ample economic opportunities across the entire value chain. In the publication ‘Transition time! A circular economy for plastics’, the coalition sheds light on the challenges of plastic, shares innovative cases and makes specific recommendations on how to incentivise action.